
Showing posts from 2018

No One Cares: दो युवा, दो साल और 25 मिलियन फॉलोवर्स को प्रेरित करता फेसबुक परिवार

No One Cares (NOC ) आज सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग और प्रमोशन की दुनिया में एक क़ामयाब नाम है, लेकिन दो साल पहले ये सिर्फ़ दो युवाओ का सपना था और उन्ही के आत्म-विश्वास और कड़ी मेहनत ने आज उस सपने को साकार कर दिया. NOC दो युवाओ की सोच से उत्पन्न हुआ वो फेसबुक पेज है जो अपने प्रेरणादायक कंटेंट से आज लाखों लोगो के जीवन में सकारत्मक बदलाव लाने का ना सिर्फ़ प्रयास कर रहा है, बल्कि उसमे काफ़ी हद तक क़ामयाब भी हो रहा है. दुसरो के जीवन में सकारात्मक बदलाव लाने के लिए खुद में सकारात्मक सोच का होना बहुत ज़रूरी है और NOC को शुरू करने वाले दोनों युवाओ में इसकी कोई कमी नहीं है. आपको जान कर आश्चर्य होगा कि दोनों ही साधारण परिवार से है. निखिल काले जो कि पुणे के रहने वाले है तो सत्यम शास्त्री मध्य-प्रदेश से है. निखिल के पिता वकालत करते है तो सत्यम के पिता एक प्राइवेट कंपनी में मैनेजर है. स्कूल ख़त्म होने के बाद दोनों कॉलेज तो गए, लेकिन पढाई बिच में ही छोड़ कर वो अपने सपनो के पीछे भागने लगे. शुरू-शुरू में परिवार वालो ने विरोध किया, लेकिन अपने बच्चो के जूनून के आगे उन्होंने भी घुटने टेक दिए. अलग-अलग राज्यों मे...

Oyo announces partnership with Motherland

In a strategic move, Oyo announced its partnership with Motherland Joint Ventures, the group that has helped build global brands, including Incredible India, Royal Enfield, Make in India and IndiGo. This partnership will enable Oyo and Motherland to co-develop a series of exciting new hotel formats and enhance various aspects of customer experience – including key touch points such as Interiors and ergonomics – all of which will offer guests an unprecedented combination of style, efficiency and affordability. Commenting on the partnership, Ritesh Agarwal, Founder & CEO – Oyo said: “In our pursuit of creating beautiful living spaces, the partnership with Motherland will enable us to co-develop new, exciting hotel formats and enhance guest experiences – including Interiors and ergonomics – offering guests an unprecedented mix of style, efficiency and affordability. We are confident the Motherland alliance will augment Oyo’s overall value propositions through their skills...

Arun, Tanushree & Preeti join Vyoma Media's sales leadership team

The digital outdoor solutions company Vyoma Media has announced expansion of its Sales Leadership team with a number of key strategic appointments across multiple locations. Arun Murthy has been roped in to lead business development across South India and will be based in Bangalore. Preeti Bagga and Tanushri Roy join the team as Business Heads Corporate Sales and will be tasked with identifying business opportunities across the Northern and Western markets respectively. Preeti will be based in New Delhi whilst Tanushri will be based in Mumbai. Commenting on these key appointments, Shriranga Sudhakara, Founder & MD, Vyoma Media said, “I am very pleased to have Arun, Preeti and Tanushri on-board. Their collective knowledge, expertise and experience across industries and markets further enhance our sales function and overall growth across key markets. Their insights of working with leading brands will be valuable in driving our business and maintaining key client relationship...

7th anniversary of Firstpost: The rise of a new digital news platform

Firstpost the digital news platform from the house of Network18 Digital has successfully completed its 7 years in the industry. Launched in 2011 it’s an online news and views website and app accessible across platforms and devices.  Speaking about the platforms 7th anniversary, Azim Lalani, Business Head, Firstpost said, “The digital universe is expanding and just like any other sector the digital space too is growing to become highly competitive. So, to have been around for 7 years and to have recorded some great growth numbers certainly speaks volumes about the effort put in and the force that Firstpost is today. We look forward to further strengthen our presence and keep our audiences thoroughly engaged year after year.” On completion of its 7 years, Firstpost moves ahead with the aim to further strengthen its position in the Indian news genre over the coming years and deliver more quality IPs, compelling social media campaigns and bring newer developments in regi...

Wishfie, short-video platform for public opinions on news, raises angel funding

Wishfie, the Bengaluru based short-video platform raised an undisclosed amount in angel funding from Staffopedia CEO, Abhishek Singh and a New York based angel network, Tusker Invests. According to a press statement released by the company, this funding will be used to develop the product further, to support vernacular content, and to build its community. The company intends to raise its pre-series A round later this year to fuel its growth. Founded by Durgesh Kaushik who worked with Facebook, Wishfie is video sharing social media platform that helps people voice their opinions on news, trending stories and issues. The company has been co-founded by Akshay Pruthi, NSIT Alumni and ex-CEO of Reach, and Anurag Dalia, a serial entrepreneur. Speaking on the development, Durgesh Kaushik, Co-Founder & CEO said, “Our mission is to ensure everyone gets an opportunity to participate in building the world of tomorrow.   Ubiquitous Internet access is just the step one toward...

Goibibo to promote its e-wallet GoCash+ through a new campaign featuring Deepika Padukone

To promote its e-wallet service GoCash+ Goibibo launched a new TVC featuring its brand ambassador Deepika Padukone. The idea behind this campaign is to highlight the benefits of the GoCash Plus feature on Goibibo’s platform. Commenting on the new campaign, Rajesh Magow, co-founder and CEO-India (Merged Entity) said, “GoIbibo has been at the forefront of product innovations in the online travel aggregation space and GoCash+ is a great value proposition to increase engagement and retention amongst existing and potential customers. Collaborative consumption has emerged as a concept and is fast gaining speed in the Indian e-commerce segment as well. GoCash+ has been built on this concept. Since its launch , Goibibo has seen a huge traction on its platform and we feel with Deepika’s presence as the brand ambassador of Goibibo, will further help us build a huge amount of trust and reliability amongst customers with regards to hotel research, planning & booking on our platform and...

जयपुर मेट्रो की जनता को चेतावनी; जानलेवा हो सकता है मेट्रो रेल मार्ग में पतंगबाजी करना

2018 का पहला बड़ा त्यौहार मकर संक्राति आने वाला है, जिसकी तैयारियों में लोग जुट गए है. गुलाबी नगरी जयपुर में इस पर्व का विशेष महत्व है, यहाँ की पतंगबाज़ी के पुरे देश में चर्चे होते है. कहा जाता है कि मकर संक्राति के उपलक्ष में जयपुर की जनता इतने जोश के साथ पतंगबाज़ी करती है कि आसमान पतंगों से ढक जाता है. लेकिन ये पतंगबाज़ी जयपुर मेट्रो के लिए जनता की सुरक्षा की दृष्टि से गंभीर चिंता का विषय बन गया है, जिसके चलते जयपुर मेट्रो ने जनता को चेतावनी देने के साथ-साथ सतर्क रहने की पहल  की है. आज कल जयपुर मेट्रो के कर्मचारी यात्रा करने वाले अथवा आस-पास से गुजरने वाले लोगो को पर्चे वितरण कर रहे है, जिनमे जनता से विनम्र अपील की गयी है कि 'मेट्रो रेल मार्ग में पतंगबाज़ी खतरनाक होने के साथ-साथ जान लेवा भी हो सकती है'. मकर संक्राति के दिन जयपुर में पतंगबाज़ी का नज़ारा PC AmarUjala इस पर्चे में स्पष्ट रूप से बताया गया है कि जयपुर में मेट्रो के मानसरोवर से चांदपोल मार्ग में रेल संचालन 25000 वॉल्ट बिजली के तारो द्वारा किया जाता है, जिनमे लगातार 24 घंटे करंट चालू रहता है. यह बिजली के तार मे...